2010 is The NeverEndingWonder Halloween Radio Empire's 10th year on the air!
We're giving away prizes EVERY DAY in October!

Here are the prize winners so far!

Oct. 1 - Susan from South Carolina - Casey Redmond's Strange Tales for Late at Night CD.
Oct. 2 - Timothy Tomkins from New Jersey - Autographed copy of Wayne Simmons' Zombie apocalypse novel, "Flu."
Oct. 3 - Susan from South Carolina - Autographed copy of Lucid Dementia's Trickery CD.
Oct. 4 - Dowl Mason from Washington - Gina Rinalli's "Suicide Girl's in the Afterlife" novel.
Oct. 5 - LJ Sweich from Pennsylvania - Hallows' Eve Vol. 1 CD by In a World
Oct. 6 - Kim Boston from Washington - Casey Redmojnd's Strange Tales for Late At Night CD
Oct. 7 - Christopher "Tyger" Roth - Set of 4 Eternal Descent Comics!
Oct. 8 - No prize awarded. I tried four times to give one away and nobody bothered to write in.
Oct. 9 - No prize awarded. Again- nobody bothered to try and win.
Oct. 10 - No prize awarded. Third day in a row, nobody cared enough to try and win.
Oct. 11 - Karim J. Nicholson from NYC - Mike Hoffman's Monster University CD.
Oct. 12 - LJ Sweich from Pennsylvania - Gina Rinalli's Mother Puncher novel.
Oct. 13 - Kim Boston from Washington - Set of 4 Eternal Descent Comics!
Oct. 14 - Toni Beltrán from Barcelona, Spain - Astro Al's Psychedelic Drive-In CD.
Oct. 15 - William Lawler from Pennsylvania - Copy of Scars Magazine featuring Brooke Lewis
Oct. 16 - No prize awarded. Nobody was interested in getting a FREE prize. FREE!
Oct. 17 - Walter Richters from Missouri - Autographed copy of Dust by Susan Berliner
Oct. 18 - No prize awarded. Again, nobody was interested enough to win a FREE prize. FREE.

We're giving away a prize every day in October! During the big live broadcast marathon Oct. 30 & 31, we'll give away prizes galore! Tune in and win!

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